What is a labor-hour?
Generally, our service providers work in teams of one or two, and sometimes three or four. Our pricing is based on how long each job is estimated to take with just one person.
When more than one person is assigned the amount of time is reduced. For example, if you were scheduled for a six labor-hour service and two service providers are assigned, the total in-home cleaning time is three hours. If three service providers are assigned, then the cleaning time is two hours.
Please be aware that our pricing structure for Deep Clean, Get It Clean, and Keep It Clean, is not based on a set number of hours but rather on providing a cleaning service using a selected cleaning service that calculates estimated time based on a home configuration. It’s possible if the home is small and not particularly dirty that the cleaning may be completed in less time than what’s estimated on our website.
Estimated number of labor-hours
The estimated time for each configuration is arrived upon utilizing E-Z Clean’s broad experience of cleaning hundreds of different types of homes of every imaginable size and cleaning condition.
For homes that are significantly soiled, or have been neglected for a long-time, then the amount of time needed to clean such homes may take longer than the figures displayed.
In such instances Client will be given the choice of prioritizing areas of the home to clean to E-Z Clean’s best ability within the allocated time, or the option of requesting additional time in order to continue cleaning beyond the allocated time.
What are my additional labor-hour charges if needed and approved by me?
Amounts charged will be at the following rates corresponding to E-Z Clean’s different cleaning types:
Deep Clean/Moving Cleans: $60 per labor-hour (i.e. $30 for each 30-minute increment, per cleaner)
Get It Clean: $50 per labor-hour (i.e. $25 for each 30-minute increment, per cleaner)
Keep It Clean: $40 per labor-hour (i.e. $20 for each 30-minute increment, per cleaner)In E-Z Clean’s experience the vast majority of homes can be well cleaned within the estimated time therefore this only happens occasionally, and on homes that haven’t been professionally cleaned in a long time or perhaps not at all.
Homes that are old; have musty smelling odors; are in overall neglect, although they can be cleaned to a condition that is significantly improved upon in comparison to before cleaning, are not likely to be as clean as homes that are in better physical condition and those that have been more recently professionally cleaned.